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HazOBEO: Hazardous Operational Byproduct Expunction Operations

"Let us clean up your problems"

Hazardous Operational Byproduct Expunction Operations (HazOBEO) was founded as a way to supercharge small science programs. Whether you're a group of bright young scientists or an experienced organization trying something new and unusual on the side, HazOBEO exists to enable tiny research endeavors to produce huge outcomes at minimal risk by securely taking care of your paperwork, destroying hazardous materials or unwanted results, and dealing with legal matters.

We specialize in taking on projects that others may consider too unusual, risky, or uncomfortable to fund or collaborate on. We believe that the next great leap forward for our world will not happen unless we venture into the furthest realms of scientific research that so many turn away from no project too "weird", no research too "unusual".

Whatever is holding you back from making the next great scientific discovery—we'll take care of it.

We thought we were done for. We just weren't prepared to deal with all the legal red tape surrounding the results of our latest bioengineering project. We even considered dumping our results in the ocean. But then HazOBEO found us and offered to work with us, and it's been smooth sailing ever since.
—Lyman Daggett, scientist
My daughter's high school class was seriously disappointed when their school board announced the end of animal dissections in their science classes. Thanks to HazOBEO, we've been able to keep doing them anyway.
—Charles Cave, parent